Curiosity Killed the Cat, Almost!

I have always been fascinated by medical things and some friends even call me Dr M, in fact I can also divulge that I do own a medical bag containing a few gadgets that I like to get out and toy around with and ‘No!, it’s not a Doctors and Nurses scenario!- Tut Tut!

The reason I have revealed to you one of my guilty pleasures is to tell you about my cat Gino…. It was a cold and wet January evening and I was getting the fur kids in for bed, I called out to Gino who was only two at the time, the back door was ajar and I saw his head poke around but he didn’t pull the door open as he usually did, so I opened it and to my shock/horror he dragged his leg over the threshold and just laid down. Immediately I feared the worse and he was taken to the twenty-four-hour vet who confirmed that he had a spiral fracture to his femur.

The good news is that he is now my bionic fur baby with a metal rod holding his bones in place and two years later he is still as active as before.

The x-ray picture captivates me, and I wanted to share it with you.