Introducing New Artist Joseph Montoya

Born 16.08.30 – Died 05.03.12

Montoya was born in Spain and came from a humble family. When he was only a child about 6/7 years old, he would sit outside his house playing with mud and clay that he found at the roadside. One balmy Spanish evening a woman that walked past daily observed how he created some beautiful ‘models’, little did Montoya know that this woman was the owner of a school called ‘Bellas Artes’, she approached his parents to speak of his incredible talent. Unfortunately, this was not a funded school, so Montoya’s mother worked as a domestic to compensate for his placement.

Soon grown up Montoya met his wife, they both moved to London to live and work and after many years of trying to start a family they had two children.

During his life Montoya continually made unique beautiful figurines and sculptures from clay terracotta and stone whilst working to support his family. After forty-five years he eventually retired from his normal occupation (train engineer) and continued his art when him and his wife returned to Spain.

Montoya has exhibited his work in both London and Barcelona.

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