The Art of Love

Valentine’s Day will be upon us next month and I started to think about what love is?, can we create love?, how do we express love?, expressing love should be easy, from telling our loved ones ‘I love you’, showing affection, intimacy, holding hands, making one feel safe, to taking over the chores!,

Can we end love?- why even consider this?, unless of course it’s unrequited, but can you end it? Sounds like love suicide!?

Is all love healthy?- definitely not!

Is love an art? Can we master the art of love?

Can we control it, is it instinctive and how do you actually fall in love?

I believe love is what we live for- it’s definitely a driver for me. The world would be a cold, colourless place without it for sure!

But love is important and what it brings into our lives MasterCard just can’t buy.

MasterCard can buy some great art though!